Trail Use Rules
- Undertake this trail only if you are fit and wearing suitable clothing, including shoes (hiking boots) that enable secure footing on uneven, steep and slippery terrain.
- Please bring along suitable extra clothing and supplies (water, food).
- Walk the trail in the designed direction, from west to east; this is also due to safety reasons.
- No means of transportation are allowed, including riding animals, with the exception of the short sections where the trail merges with a marked cycling path.
- The trail is generally reserved to walkers. Being of medium difficulty, it is only suitable for users who can walk without any impediment.
- It is absolutely forbidden to leave anything behind: collect all of your waste and litter, and dispose of it at home.
- Carefully calculate the time required to complete your hike and check the weather conditions ahead of time to avoid difficult situations along the trail.
- Pay special attention under the following circumstances:
- when you go through farmland, as planting operations might be in progress and agricultural vehicles in use;
- when you cross trafficable roads;
- when you are walking in the sections shared with a cycling path.
- The 4th leg of the trail (Quarta tappa) is recommended to experienced hikers who are fit and sufficiently trained, have a stable gait and no fear of heights. Before undertaking it, please make sure you are adeguately equipped. If you are not sufficiently experienced or fit, please take the easier alternative route identified as “Quarta tappa variante”.
Under all circumstances, proceed with great caution, and respect both the environment and other trail users.
In case of need contact these emergency numbers:
- 112 Carabinieri
- 113 Police
- 115 Fire brigades
- 118 Medical assistance