21 - A ring path between the rural houses and the lakes of the valley

Revine Lago between history and nature

Difficulty : T
Walking time : 3h
Distance : km 10,3
Altitude difference : m 170

Starting point :
Lago, Parco del Livelet

Starting point coordinates :
45°59'1.83"N 12°12'54.63"E

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The path


From the “Livelet” Park follow a stretch of the nature trail to the location of “Lido”, where you turn along the lake. Continue “San Giorgio” street entering in the Ancient Main Road that will lead to the archaeological “San Martino” site and then to the “Santa Maria” village. Continue the path passing in front of the ruins of an ancient hermitage, then you enter in the small town of Revine visiting the church and characteristic archpriest courtyards. Going down to “Pian del Pos” and the “Lavatioio alle Lame”, continue to west side to find the nature trail that circumnavigate the south of the lake of Santa Maria. From “Val de le Femene”, you enter in the village of Colmaggiore through the “Murals” way up to the hamlet of Fratta and from here, after crossing the bridge over the “Taiada” stream, the ring closes again to “Livelet” Park.


Commonly known as Revine lakes, the lakes of Santa Maria and San Giorgio are what remains of a much larger basin that stretched for over seven kilometers between the frontal moraine of Gai and Revine, the Lake “Lapisino”, formed as a result of the retreat of the glacier in the valley in the last glacial period more than fifteen thousand years ago. The lake of Santa Maria is fed by underground springs and small courses of water at a seasonal regime, while that one of San Giorgio, which is also known as Lake Lago with a curious play of words, mainly receives the waters from the stream “Piaveson”. Over the centuries the great lake began to retreat leaving room for large semi-swampy areas that in the fifteenth century, probably by the Serenissima, they were reclaimed thanks to the construction of the “Tajada” canal, which still today ensures the outflow of lake waters.

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Find out more informations

Further information on the Trail and on the network of itineraries are available in italian language in the book by De Bastiani Editore and in the Tabacco maps entitled "Alla scoperta delle Colline del Prosecco di Conegliano e Valdobbiadene"

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