Starting point :
Ceneda, piazza Giovanni Paolo I
Starting point coordinates :
45°58'36.4908"N 12°17'32.6832"E

The path
Da piazza Giovanni Paolo I a Ceneda, si segue via Brevia e successivamente la Via Crucis che conduce all’oratorio di San Paolo al Monte in vetta al Colle di San Paolo. Si scende sul versante nord fino a fondovalle, per poi risalire tra i prati alla base del Monte Altare. Si raggiunge la croce dell’anticima posta in posizione panoramica sulla città e si prosegue sul crinale roccioso fino al Colle Maledicto. Scesi attraverso il Pra Liss, si incontrano le Case Foda e tramite via Dei Posoccon si ritorna a Ceneda passando per Case Posoccon e il tempietto di San Rocco.
“Altare” mountain has always hidden something mystical. Frequencies date back to the past and in fact it was discovered that the unusually homogeneous and rounded stone placed on the westernmost peak is to be considered a megalithic work like those found in northern Europe and Sardinia. An altar where pagan rituals were carried out along before Christ, in the sixth century, so much so that during the archaeological excavations carried out a few years ago some ithyphallic bronzes and metal sheets were unearthed which were hung on trees by ancient peoples. It also seems that orgiastic rituals were carried out in the location of Pra Liss area, which is why, with Christianity, the summit will subsequently take the name of “Colle Maledicto”.
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