Starting point :
Vittorio Veneto, piazza Sant’Andrea
Starting point coordinates :
45°59'47.11"N 12°17'53.99"E

The path
From the oldest church of “Sant’Andrea di Bigonzo” you walk up to the hamlet of Serravalle where you go up the staircase of “Santa Augusta” to reach the homonymous sanctuary. Follow the Dolomites path n. 6 which will take us to the ridge of Serravalle passing next to the “Turris Nigra”. Turn east along a steep path that intersects at the bottom of the valley “Piadera Bassa” street. Climb up to the location named “Costa di Fregona” and follow its ridge downhill to the church of Our Lady of Health. Go down to the west and reach the fraction of “Borgo Rindola” and “Our Lady of the Cough”, for then return to Saint Andrew’s church.
According to tradition, the tower named “Turris Nigra” placed above the sanctuary was the stronghold of Madrucco King, Alamanno warrior known for killing his daughter Augusta, martyr and Saint. The inhabitants are very devoted to this religious figure, so much so that legends, traditions, festivals and curiosities have been born over the centuries. Up to a few years ago, the majestic staircase that leads from the oratory of “Sant’Elena” to the sanctuary was walked in knee by the faithful. To the left of the altar with the relics of the Saint there is a parallelepiped structure in shaped metal rods with an opening. By inserting the head in the small hole you heals from headaches. Passing through the narrow gap between the stone columns behind the altar, they fight back disease. Along the path that leads to the sanctuary we meet various capitals including that one dedicated to “Santa Augusta” where one of the miracles was performed. At her feet there is a stone with as inscription “aperse il manto: i pani erano Fiori”. Traditionally it id embellished with bouquets of flowers placed by faithful. In the hamlet of Vittorio Veneto there are four religious sites dedicated to the Saint: in addition to the Sanctuary, there are the “Caloniche” small church, the “Twelve Bridges” capital, and the “Con Alti” capital. “Santa Augusta” still today is remembered on 22 August on the occasion of a fair in which takes place fireworks show known as “Foghi de Santa Augusta”. Finally, in 1630 the residents made a vow to “Santa Augusta” to obtain the grace to be preserved from the plague. And they were heard.
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